Volunteer Submissions

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Name Email Contact Dates Volunteer Events Work Done Skills Favorite Band Preferred Position Can Work Shift
clarth no@thankyou.com email lots of them work stuff tech nerd Hexbelt! gate Yes
Testing yopperson@gmail.com 315-729-9860 Share Fry Kitchen Coordinator Whatever needs to be done...... All Any Yes
Spam no@thanks email Thursday-Sunday share tech stuff Ima nerd hexbetl Tech guy No
Janneke Russell luckybunni98@gmail.com 304-830-3036 I can be available each day including the day prior / after for clean up Watermelon Fest Look Around festival Parking , ticket sales , tear down cleanup , a little bit of everything I have great people skills , I also have a certificate in tourism and hospitality management Any Stage / grounds Yes
Mike Lacey yopperson@gmail.com 315-729-9860 Thursday - Sunday Share Rainbow Gathering Fry Kitchen Coordinator Sloth..... Willing to do what it takes...... Hexbelt Any Yes
Marli McFalls msmarli65@aol.com Marli McFalls Aka gramma FB january jewel Phone 8143121611 I can be there Thursday or even before if needed, for set up. I can also stay after the event to help if needed. Last GTG share and at least 100 others in past ten years so too many to name I have done it all Gatekeeper Parking attendant Runner Camp nurse Performer help Hospitality Security Kitchen No toilets but willing to do anything else Hundreds of festival volunteer hours under my belt in all festival aspects and jobs. California sober always. Any. Fantastic lineup. Gate, parking, side stage, hospitality,runner, helper Yes
Mark Romeo markromeo@verizon.net Mobile #717-773-6302 Thursday thru Sunday S.H.A.R.E. Family Gathering, Little Buffalo Festival Setup, Cleanup, Merch sales, Greeter, Parking, Bathrooms, Coffee Mapping Screamin' Egrets, Roux Gate/Parking Yes
Liam Study luckylilliam@gmail.com Via Cell Call/Text 2403297190 The entirety of the event, I will be attending in honor of a friend who brought me the last year it was hosted who passed away from cancer Memorial Golf Tournaments Security, Beverage Handling, Traffic Control, set up/tare down Handyman skills for set up and tare down, ability to handle confrontational customers. Hexbelt! Parking/Grounds/Gate Yes
Liam Study luckylilliam@gmail.com Via Cell Call/Text 2403297190 The entirety of the event, I will be attending in honor of a friend who brought me the last year it was hosted who passed away from cancer Memorial Golf Tournaments Security, Beverage Handling, Traffic Control, set up/tare down Handyman skills for set up and tare down, ability to handle confrontational customers. Hexbelt! Parking/Grounds/Gate Yes
Gage Stoner stonerg1997@gmail.com Cell- 717-729-9515 As long as I can be! Thursday-Monday? Never formally volunteered, just help where and when I can. Took care of all cardboard at S.H.A.R.E. cleaned grounds at Get-to-Gather Live close to grounds so can be available days leading and following. Friendly, dependable, understanding, work well in groups or independently. Hands on, basic all-around mechanical ability. Willing to learn! Hexbelt with some JP! Stage, tear down/set up. Float? Yes
Gage Stoner stonerg1997@gmail.com Cell- 717-729-9515 As long as I can be! Thursday-Monday? Never formally volunteered, just help where and when I can. Took care of all cardboard at S.H.A.R.E. cleaned grounds at Get-to-Gather Live close to grounds so can be available days leading and following. Friendly, dependable, understanding, work well in groups or independently. Hands on, basic all-around mechanical ability. Willing to learn! Hexbelt with some JP! Stage, tear down/set up. Float? Yes
Cameron Ashley ceashley99@gmail.com Text or call! 2233861393 Planning on all days! I’ve never been to a festival before but I’m very excited and willing to help wherever I can! N/a I’m good with people! Hexbelt!! No preference Yes
Clay claygarth@claygarth.com This is a test, so Mike can see how we email works. Wednesday This is a test, so Mike can see how we email works. This is a test, so Mike can see how we email works. This is a test, so Mike can see how we email works. hexbelt stage Yes
Reilly Edwards reije97@gmail.com Cell: 717-510-8859 Facebook: Reilly Vito Edwards All Weekend SHARE Rising Embers Burning Leaves Various Harrisburg Area Shows and Events Securty/Ranger MOOP (Matter Out Of Place, or Trash/Recycling) Greeters Fire Safety Patrol Kitchen Venue Restoration Great at problem solving on the fly. Many years in security experience; festival, venue, club etc. Experience in festival logistics. Works well in groups or alone. Positive energy! Approachable demeanor Hexbelt Security, Roaming preferred. Yes